Card Games

Whether you are looking for popular titles such as Blackjack, Poker, Rum, or Solitaire, or you’re hunting for something fresh to flex you dexterous mind, card games have always provided excellent possibilities and ecstasies to match. While history is littered with casino games that have long been forgotten and discarded, most casino card games have stood the test of times. 

Card Games

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Most of them like Blackjack, baccarat, and poker trace their parentages back hundreds of years, yet they remain casino favourites today. Families, friends, and even strangers have maintained the traditions of playing card games at dinner revelries, campfires, and bar tops as they try to carouse and hang out. 

Sometimes money exchange hand, sometimes booze takes the centre stage. But one thing for sure, card games provide hilarity and enthusiasms that can be enjoyed by people of differing ages. There’s a long list of card games each with own set of rules, gameplay, and winning strategies. 

If you are new to this electrifying world, things can get a little teeming and complex, especially in deciding what card game best suits your taste. Luckily, we know a thing or two about card games, and as revealed in this post, we can differentiate between types and offer an in-depth analysis into their brass tacks.  

So, dig deep into this full and extensive guide to join this exciting and undying bandwagon of card games! 

The Origin of Card Games 

There must be something fascinating in human nature that craves the excitement of gaming. How else could you explain the fact that games of chance have been identified in almost every culture and every century from the Roman Empire to ancient China to the 21st century? The history of casino games, and especially of card games is thus a long and captivating one. 

Today, card game are among the most popular games in casinos, but they are also quite classic and have been around for centuries. Looking back at their descents, it seems that their earliest versions of what appeared like playing cards originated somewhere in Central Asia back in the 9th century. 

The earliest playing papers, most commonly used in China, resembled dominoes that are today’s paper cards. The game is said to have spread to India and Persia and were later on introduced in Europe around the 14th century. Individual card games such as Baccarat, Blackjack, and others have specific histories, some well-recorded, some plagued with mysteries. 

Different Types of Card Games 


Baccarat is a popular casino card game that can either be played online or in social gatherings. This exciting game can be played by groups of three or more people. The most fundamental thing you should grasp about this game is that you can either bet on the Banker’s Hand or the Player’s Hand. 

These are the two sides players can bet on in a Baccarat table…you can consider both hands as Hand A and Hand B to eliminate confusion. Players also have a third option where they can bet on a Tie. The dealer deals two cards on each hand, and the players’ goals will be to bet on which hand’s total will be as close to nine as possible. 

The Tens and Faces [King, Queen, and Jack] are worth all worth zero points; the Ace is worth one point, while all other cards are worth their face value. Let’s say you bet on the Player’s hand, and the Player is dealt a 4 and a 3, while the Banker is dealt an Ace and a 4, you will win the game because the Player’s hand total will be 7 while the Banker’s hand total will be 5.

If the totals of either the Banker or the Player exceeds to, the second digit of the total is considered. For example, if the total is 14, that’s a four-point play; if the total is 16, that’s a 6-point play. The Players cards are dealt first, and in most cases, the Banker’s play will be determined by the Player’s play. 

Sometimes the player is forced to take the third card. For such reasons, the Banker’s hand wins slightly more than the Player’s hand. If you win with the Player’s hand, you get to take all the winnings, but if you win with a Banker’s hand, there is a house commission of about 5%. 


Blackjack (otherwise referred to as ‘the 21’) is another evergreen card game that you’ll find at top mobile casinos. The standard 52-card pack is used for this game, but depending on the number of players, sometimes several packs of cards are shuffled together in a land-based casino. 

Once the cards are dealt, the objective of the players is to get a count as close as 21 without going over. Cards 2 to 10 are worth their face values; the Ace is worth one point or 11, Faces [cards with pictures on them] are worth 10, while number cards are worth the corresponding points indicated on the card. 

If you get 21 points exactly after the cards are dealt, that’s called a ‘Blackjack,’ and you automatically win the game. It is customary to pay out a 3:2 or 2:1. Remember, your objective should be hitting the 21 faster than the dealer, and your play will considerably be determined by the strength of your hand against the dealer’s showing card. Do you want more on mobile Blackjack


Rather than one definite game, poker is actually a family of closely-related card games that combine chance, skill, strategy, and gambling. Although recreational poker card games involve a great deal of chance, professional players highly engage probability rules, psychology, and game theory to ace the game before their opponents.

There are different types of mobile poker games, each with different thrilling gameplays calling for different kinds of strategies and tactics. Understanding, and winning in such games, will take much more than this succinct mention. But once you get to grip the rules of each, it becomes so easy to be immersed in this world-class and extravagance!    

Drinking Card Games 

It’s wide of the mark to complete an ultimate guide to card games without mentioning some of the popular drinking card games. In fact, card games have for long been associated with boozy nights at parties, social jamborees, or family get-togethers. If you’ve been to such kind of nights and merriments, you may have participated in card games such as Gin Rummy, Bluff (Bullshit, BS, Cheat), Kings, Hearts, Suicide, or Across the Bridge.

These are some of the most popular drinking card games that you can come across. They are not only great for making alcohol drinking fun; they are super effective for merrymaking and mingling.

Disclaimer: We strongly advise against playing any casino related card games while under the influence of alcohol.

Final Remarks 

While some may consider the concept of casino relatively modern given the rise of mobile casinos, the truth is that gaming and betting have been part of the fabric of the society for as long as you’d care to recount. This is particularly true when it comes to card games where almost every culture is embroiled with one card game variant or the other. Heard enough? Join us today and find a card game that satiates your gaming thirst!